Bring Your Dead Back Home

Bring Your Dead Back Home

LOCATION: Home of Leonora Piper, Beacon Hill, Boston

Bring your dead back home
Bring your dead back
Kali, Allah, Santería
Bring your dead back
Say their names
I know your sadness
I know your pain
Bring your dead back home

I can make them real
I can make them
Kali, Allah, Jesu, Shiva
I can make them
Feel them near us
Floating beside us
Inside this room
I can make them real

Can you hear them speak?
Can you hear them,
Jesu, Shiva, Vishnu, Satan?
Can you hear them?
Ever closer
Whispering your name
Wanting to be seen
Can you hear them speak?

Can you see this light?
Can you see this,
Kali, Allah, Santería?
Can you see this
Reaching to us?
I feel their sadness
I feel their pain
Can you see this light?

© 2013 Kerr